Postdoctoral degree in Educational Evaluation of Teaching at the National University of Distance Learning – UNED-Spain (2012), and Post-doctorate in Linguistics with an emphasis on Discourse Analysis at the State University of Campinas. PhD and Masters in Physical Education at Faculty of Physical Education at UNICAMP– [The Brazilian doctorate degree was also recognized and approved by the Ministry of Education of Spain]. Specialization in Constructivism and Improvement in Physical Education Adapted at UFU. I founded and currently is a professor leader of the Nucleus of Research in Inclusion, Motion and Distance Learning at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Minas Gerais – Brasil – NGIME / UFJF. I am a Full time Professor in the Faculty of Physical Education and Professor in the Graduate Program in the Faculty of Education at the UFJF. At the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) was General-Coordinator of the Pedagogical Policy of Special Education. I am a lifelong ballet dancer and for more than 30 years, I have researching on dance for disabled people and inclusive education in higher education. I have plenty of scientific articles and books at a national and international level. Currently President of the Latin American Association of Sports Sciences, Physical Education and Dance (ALCIDED).