Jennie Xie finished her Bachelor study majoring in Business Administration at Shenzhen University (China). Then continued to chase her Master in Sport and Exercise Management at University College Dublin in Ireland. After graduation, Jennie first dived into practical work field to gain experience and digest knowledge. As two years in event industry to work as an event planner and project manager to plan, organise, and execute public sports and leisure events, and physical activities. Other two more years in HR, administrative, operational management for cultural and financial companies. She decided to return to the academia in 2020 by moving to the University of Macau to pursue another Master in Physical Education and Sport Studies, and also plans to commence her PhD study in 2022. Her research interests focus on sport behaviour development, issues in sports psychology and sports event management. She has engaged in the works of Quality Physical Education since 2020 and is actively involved in the research project in questionnaire design, data collection, and related analytical works. She endeavours to become an expert in effective QPE development, sports psychology and sports event management.