After serving 8 years as President (2008 – 2016) the maximum term allowable under the Practices and Constitution of ISCPES, we acknowledge the completion of a distinguished and energetic period of office. Under your presidency, for the first time in our organization’s history the Society had the honour of holding biennial conferences in Africa (Nairobi. Kenya), Latin America (Merida. Venezuela), and East Europe (Moscow – Russia), a Regional conference in Mainland China (Shanghai) as well as a series of workshops (Tianjin, Qufu and Shanghai).
In 2008 you organized the 16th Biennial ISCPES Conference at the University of Macau (Macau, China) which was an outstanding success. You were not just able to put the name of the ISCPES in many academic forums, but also that of your university as well. In your capacity as President, you also served the ‘umbrella’ organisation – the International Council for Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE) in various capacities, particularly as Vice-President for Education. Your efforts served to update the ISCPES, to make it globally visible, to embrace all continents and to guarantee funding for its continuity. As one of Asia’s leading sport and physical education academics who is active internationally, we are looking forward to your continued thoughtful interest and participation in the activities of ISCPES. As the Immediate Past President within the society’s traditions, you will have a continuing role to play in providing wise and experienced counsel to the continuing executive, as well as in continuing to represent the society in the professional deliberations of the international community. In this vein we also acknowledge with appreciation your continue support of the ISCPES journal publication for one more year through the University of Macau funding.
Kindest regards and thanks once again on behalf of the entire outgoing executive board for your friendship and guidance over these last exciting years.
Prof. (Dr) Rosa López de D’Amico
ISCPES Vice-President 2008-2016
International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport.
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