The International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport is a research and educational organization, based upon a large network of experts in several scientific areas.
Its purpose is to support, encourage and provide assistance to those seeking to initiate and strengthen research and teaching programs in comparative physical education and sport throughout the world.
ISCPES distributes research findings and information;
Supports and co-operates with local, national and international organizations having similar goals;
Organizes and arranges meetings bringing together people from around the world;
The scope of the Society’s academic mandate is affected by member’s interests and research needs;
Members are primarily drawn from all sub-disciplines of sport sciences with an interest in cross-cultural and international issues.
In this term, ISCPES is particularly focused in:
- Regeneration in age;
- Deepen methodological studies;
- Devise possible misunderstanding findings on methodological errors when comparing contexts;
- Leveraging the indexation of our ISS Journal;
- Raise money to support young student scholarships around the world;
- Apply for funding through network research with three or more countries.
The International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (ISCPES) founded in 1978. Its purpose still is to support, encourage and provide assistance to those seeking to initiate and strengthen research and teaching programs in comparative physical education and sport throughout the world.
Specifically, ISCPES delivers research findings through its associate Scopus índexed journal – International Sport Studies (ISS).
For that reason we are also member of international organizations having complementary goals, such as ICSSPE – International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education – through which ISCPES members can reach a much wider resource network on these themes.
Organizing and arranging several meetings, ISCPES brings together people from around the world working in comparative physical education and sport issues publications.
The scope of the Society’s academic mandate is affected by member’s interests and research needs. Members are drawn from all the sub-disciplines of sport sciences and united by an interest in cross-cultural and international issues.
The society defines comparative study as investigation into and comparison of two or more units such as: countries, cultures, ideologies, regions, states, systems, institutions, populations or methodologies. The phenomena to be compared include all elements of physical education and sport models, programmes and practices in a macro or micro context. Such phenomena are universal, but cross-culturally and cross nationally they differ in focus and substance requiring mixed methodologies. The Society promotes the examination of issues related to the study of regions, nations and cultures, education for internationalism, sport and development and physical education as a human right.
The international Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport was founded in 1978 at the First International Seminar on Comparative Physical Education and Sport held at the Wingate Institute of Physical Education in Israel.
Since then, conferences have been held every two years: Halifax, Canada (1980); Minneapolis, USA (1982); Malente/Kiel, FRG (1984); Vancouver, Canada (1986); Hong Kong SAR, China (1988); Bisham Abbey, UK (1990); Houston, USA (1992); Prague, Czech Republic (1994); Tokyo, Japan (1996); Leuven, Belgium (1998); Sunshine Coast, Australia (2000); Windsor, Canada (2001); Manchester, UK (2002); London, Canada (2004); Melbourne, Australia (2006); Macau SAR, China (2008); Nairobi, Kenya (2010); Mérida, Venezuela (2012); Moscow, Russia (2014); Porto, Portugal (2019); Kerala, India (2021), the latest was hosted in virtual format.
The 2017 ISCPES Biennial congress was hosted in a joint organisation with the Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES).
Regional conferences of the Society have been held in Maracay, Maturin and Rubio, Venezuela (2005), Varadero, Cuba (2007), Vancouver, Canada (2009) and Shanghai, China (2011).
1988 to 1992
1992 to 1996
1996 to 2000
2000 to 2008
2008 to 2016
Acting president from January to May 2017
2017 to 2021
International Sports Studies(ISS) is one of the world’s oldest and most established scholarly sports journals. With its origins dating back to the 1960s, the journal has been a significant force in promoting international and comparative studies of sport worldwide. Working in partnership with the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport, ISS continues to pioneer research with an international focus.
ISS begins its full open access format effective with the 2024 volume, extending its reach and influence in every corner of the world without any access barriers. This is a proactive move of the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport towards reducing the environmental impact caused by the production and distribution of printed journal copies and will allow the journal to invest in further innovation, digital development, and sustainability measures. Previous subscription-based issues may still be accessed through Logos Verlag Berlin.
ISS is indexed in Scopus and EBSCO and has been accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, a new edition of Web of Science™. Content in this index is under consideration by Clarivate Analytics to be accepted in the Science Citation Index Expanded®, the Social Sciences Citation Index®, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index®.
EXECUTIVE BOARD (2023 - 2025)
Membership Benefits
- The chance to attend ISCPES events, like Seminars/ Webinars and lectures (offline or hybrid)
- When the events registration fee is free, then members have priority to participate first
- When there is a registration fee for the events, members can have a discount
- The special price for the ISCPES Biennial Conference registration fee
- The Lynn Vendien Fund or other Rewards in ISCPES will consider members first
- To receive ISCPES quarterly news with information from worldwide physical education and sports domain
- To receive news and information (e.g., monthly news, job application, grant application) from other organizations in sports and exercise, physical education, sports sciences domain (e.g., ICSSPE)
- To have the opportunity to work with the ISCPES to co-organize academic events closely
- To promote own events or activities in ISCPES quarterly news or website
- When a special edition of ISS is requested, members will be considered with priority
- Institution Members can have the opportunity to cooperate with the ISS to create the special editions
Application procedures
Step 1: Sign up on the ISCPES website, and fill in the application form
Step 2: Choose the membership type and pay the fee accordingly, please send the application form to email: yangyang.xie@foxemail.com (membership coordinator).
Step 3: When the society has confirmed receiving the membership fee, a membership letter will then send to the applicants to verify their membership officially
Step 4: Membership benefits apply once the member has been accepted.
Editor-in-Chief, International Sports Studies
University of the Philippines Diliman,
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